Why Buy From Us
It’s smart to buy from a dealer that will still be open after you buy from them. Leisure Concepts has been in business for almost 40 years, longer than any other spa dealer in the Madison area. In the time we’ve been open there have been 14 other spa dealers that have closed in the Madison area. In most cases these other dealers have opened, sold a few spas, and closed since we’ve been here. Buying from a dealer with good service all around is important. We have a full service department, stock thousands of dollars worth of parts for new and older spas, and have fair service and labor prices, currently just $99.00 for up to a 1 hour service call. After the warranty is up, for those customer that would rather fix things themselves we are also willing and able to sell just a part and give out all the free advice we can to help you save money and make and necessary repairs yourself. Generally we can do service work for people up to about a 50 mile radius of our Madison Wisconsin store. You will get the best spa with the latest technology and we will properly train you on how to take care of it. We sell only perimeter insulated spas. For decades spa manufacturers realized that telling a story to prospective customers about how filling all areas that surround the spa with solid foam would make their spa super efficient. They spent huge sums of money promoting that program. In reality though, the sides of a spa are responsible for a very small percentage of heat loss. As we all know, heat rises so having a great cover is way more important than having solid foam on the sides. Full foam has many disadvantages too. Those disadvantages completely outweigh any perceived energy savings. For example, No access to service anything, all the friction heat generated is vented outside along with the noise of those pumps, lines buried in foam will freeze fast in the event of a power outage, it's nearly impossible to find a leak when that happens. From our experience picking up hundreds of used spas, those full foamed spas definitely do leak at some point. Our perimeter insulated spas are super quiet because the equipment is inside a sealed, insulated air space. Friction heat is utilized, now wasted. Full service access is available for long term serviceability and a long lasting spa. We have thrown away so many full foamed spas that work but leak, it's a pity. It's just common sense. Your home has insulation at the perimeter, not inside the rooms. We take the time to make sure you totally understand how to take care of your spa. We train you on the water chemistry and the functions of your spa. Owning a spa can be a great experience as long as you have the necessary training and information. If you don't know what you're doing, if the dealer you buy from doesn't have the 40 years of experience they can pass on to you through training, you will more than likely have a rough time. Leisure Concepts has nearly 10,000 customers. Our store is open 7 days a week 9 months of the year and 6 days a week during the 3 winter month. (don’t you wish winter was only 3 months long?) We can ship supplies right to your home 5 days a week if you can’t make it into our store. We have a toll free 800-809-9111 number for our customers that live outside of the Madison area. We generally deliver and service up to 50 or 60 miles from our store. Most spa prices include delivery and chemicals. At the time of delivery we spend time with each customer explaining and teaching exactly how to run the spa, how to take care of the spa, and how to make sure the water in the spa is clean, clear, and healthy. Our system has evolved over many years of personal use and has been tweaked to be the most effective way to take care of a spa in the least amount of time. |